Cacao powder
•Rich in Iron which helps to fight against Anemia
•High concentration of anti-oxidants such as polyphenols, catechins and epicatechins.
•Contains Magnesium which helps to prevent constipation
•Contains Zinc which helps in developing immunity.
•Raw cacao contains Vitamin C and essential omega 6 fatty acids.
•Lowers blood pressure and increases circulation.

What is Cacao?
 It is RAW Chocolate! In general, dark chocolate is better as they contain little sugar content. Researchers suggests that cacao is really good for us.

Raw Chocolate powder eating tips:
•Add it to Coffee/Tea /Soy milk/Coconut water/Protein drink.
•Blend into fruit smoothies/juice.
•Add to breakfast cereal (oatmeal).
                • Slows down the aging process.
                • Strengthens the immune system.
                • Reduce cholesterol level
                •  Improves digestion.
                10 times more antioxidants than red grapes

What is Açaí? It is a South American fruit. Acai started gaining immense popularity because of its amazing health benefits.It contains significant amounts of essential fatty acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 as well as monounsaturated oleic acid. They also have a high concentration of blue pigmented antioxidants and has one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) values amongst fruits. It helps to burn body fat and become trimmer. We can add Açaí powder to smoothies and juices.
Acai Athlete Smoothie Recipe...

         • Bananas - 2
         • Acai Powder - 2 Tbsp
         • Chia seeds - 2 Tbsp
         • Hemp seeds - 3 Tbsp 
         • Coconut Water - 2 Cups 

          Directions:    Blend all ingredients together. Enjoy the smoothie!
          Serving:   3 Cups

           • Protect liver and kidneys
           • Boost immune system
           • Prevents aging
           • Prevent fatigue
           • Helps to lose weight
           • Improve circulation
           • Reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

Goji berry is a superfood that is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. They have all 18 amino acids and mega doses of vitamin A (beta carotene), B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E. They enhance detoxification in our body. Goji Berries  contains more Iron than Spinach.

 • Munched as a snack directly.
 • As a topping in breakfast cereal.
 • Blended into smoothies or juices.
 • Goji berry powder can be added to tea or soups to make it healthier.